American Indian Community Updates & Resources:


StrongHearts Native Helpline hiring

StrongHearts Native HelpLine is a community resource seeking to provide a safe and confidential domestic, dating and sexual violence helpline for Native Americans and Alaska Natives. View current job openings here:

Center for the pacific asian family hiring

Join Center for the Pacific Asian Family in creating an Asian & Pacific Islander community that embraces healthy relationships and works in partnership with other communities to eradicate all forms of violence. View current job openings here:

Association of American Indian Physicians Internships & Fellowships

AAIP strives to improve the overall health of American Indian and Alaskan Native Communities through a variety of programs. View current program opportunities here:


Online Business Webinar Series

American Indian Cultural Center has partnered with Square. Inc to offer entrepreneurial skillset webinars for conducting business online. These free classes are designed to cover web essentials for Native business owners or those seeking to develop a business online (this can include retail shop owners, beauty salons, artists, restaurant owners, and more). Classes are accessible to any level of technical expertise. These free webinars are pre-recorded and can be accessed virtually at any time.

Digital natives virtual series recorded classes

American Indian Cultural Center collaborated with Anecita Hernandez for a virtual project featuring Traditional Regalia making such as T-dress, ribbon-skirt, appliqué, and shawl making.

Additionally AICC partnered with Bernadette Smith for Traditional Acorn Soup preparation.

All classes were recorded and can be found on the AICC YouTube page. Below is the link to our Youtube page & individual offerings.


Ongoing initiatives

  • Health & Wellness: funding for health services; affordable housing; targeted services for elders & Two-Spirit; mental health; culturally relevant health education & services

  • Education/Youth/Families:  Culturally appropriate K-12 curricula and afterschool programming; youth suicide prevention; education opportunities; banning Native mascots

  • Cultural/Political/Social Issues:  Increasing visibility of American Indians locally and nationally through establishing Indigenous People’s Day, removing community statues/symbols of conquest & genocide, changing street names.  

  • Government: More hiring of Native peoples in government leadership positions / boards / commissions, federal and local gov’t acknowledgment of historical misrepresentation and oppression of Natives and changing to supportive actions and language.